I’ve been taking a look at InluxData’s TICK stack and figuring out some ESP8266 chips that I recently purchased. I always like to come up with practical projects to do when I’m learning about some new tech. When my dad came to me asking me to keep an eye on the temperature of his house while he was out of town, I knew exactly what I needed to build. It got even better when he told me his plan.
"I've got an old thermometer that I'll duct tape to the window. That way you can come by a couple times a day and you only have to walk up to the window to see the temperature."
I had better idea in mind.
The Thermometer
The obvious part of this project is the thermometer itself. I had the smaller circuit components lying around from a previous project that I reused. If I planned on using this for longer, I would upgrade these components to something like a TMP36 or an environment sensor to get multiple measurements. The actual components I used are listed below.
- ESP-01 wireless transceiver
- ADS1050 12-bit ADC
- 10K Ohm resistor
- Thermistor
I also highly recommend a programming adapter and breadboard adapter for the ESP-01. They make working with the ESP-01 much more enjoyable. I went a while where I was having to rewire the board every time I switched between programming and running the board. It gets old pretty fast.
The schematic shows how each component should be wired. I’ll comment on a few of my decisions below.
To read from the thermistor, it will need to be in a voltage divider circuit. My thermistor read ~10k ohms at room temperature so I paired it with a 10k ohm resistor to give me a good range of values.
The ADDR pin makes it convenient to change the device address by wiring it to VCC
, TX
, or RX
. I chose to ground mine since this gives it the default address of 0x48
. If I had more than one I2C device then I would want to consider a different address. I didn’t use the ALRT
pin or three of the ADC inputs and so I left these pins disconnected.
The ESP-01 gave me the most trouble wiring up. It seems that everyone is doing it a little different depending on where you look online. There also seems to be a few different versions of the ESP-01 board.
always needs to be pulled high to boot correctly. IO0
needs to be pulled high on boot to run the program from flash. If it is pulled low on boot then the board will be put into programming mode. Once the board is running, these pins can be used otherwise, such as the I2C pins used above.
The ESP8266 has become so popular for programming that it is now supported by the Arduino IDE. An additional package will need to be installed but afterwards it is just like working with any Arduino board.
The following code is based on the Arduino example to send a POST from the ESP-01. I modified the code to use the ADS1015 library to read an ADC value and convert it to a temperature. I reused the lookup table from the previous project the thermistor is from. It is not as precise as I would’ve hoped but since I am reusing old parts I was glad to get it within a reasonable range.
Pushing to the Cloud
The next step is a location to store the temperature readings. This is where the TICK comes in t play. I wanted somewhere that I could access from anywhere so I opted for InfluxDB Cloud. I’m planning on setting up an instance of InfluxDB locally but for this project the cloud was more convenient and the free tier was more than enough.
After creating an account with InfluxData, there is a little bit of setup to be able to store data from the device.
Creating a Bucket
The first area to visit is the buckets list. Navigate to Load Data -> Buckets
on the left panel. Select the blue + Create Bucket
button in the top right and fill in the necessary options. This bucket will hold all of the thermometer data.
Creating a Token
The next page to visit the tokens list. Navigate to Load Data -> Tokens
on the left panel. Select the blue + Generate
button and Read/Write Token
from the dropdown menu. Enter a name for the token and choose your newly created bucket from the listed buckets. After saving the Token, click its name from the descriptions list and copy the token to be used later.
Viewing Data
There are two more areas worth noting at this time. The first of these is the Data Explorer
tab. This tab provides a convenient way to view the data being logged by devices. Nothing will exist at the moment since we don’t have a middle device logging from the thermometer but it’s worth knowing where to look later.
If a view of the data is created that you would like to save, clicking the Save As
button in the top right will create a copy of the view on the Dashboards
page. The Dashboards
page allows you to create a number of convenient graphs that are easy to view without having to search each time you log in.
Gathering the Measurements
The final component to setup is a fog device to receive metrics from the thermometer. I went with a Raspberry Pi W that I had lying around. Having a dedicated metrics device makes it easy to move the whole setup around. I could also set up multiple thermometers and have them all report to one device that pushes to the cloud.
I started with a fresh copy of Raspbian lite with SSH enabled and WiFi configured. The remaining steps involve installing telegraf and configuring it for the use with the thermometer.
Installing Telegraf
The telegraf project has very good documentation for installing telegraf and having is run at boot. These are the commands I ran specifically for the Pi.
Add telegraf to the package manager:
Install and start telegraf. This will install telegraf as a service that restarts on boot.
Configuring Telegraf
The final step is creating a configuration file for telegraf. The default location for the telegraf config file is /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
. Telegraf can be used to generate a new configuration file with the plugins that we will need for this project.
This will create the initial template for the config file. There are a few sections that will need to be modified for our setup.
This lets telegraf know that it should watch the /temp
path on port 8080
for POST
or PUT
requests. It can expect the data it receives at this location to be using the influx line protocol format.
The information for the output section will depend on how influx cloud was set up. The organization name is the name used when creating your account on InfluxDB Cloud. This can be found on the landing page of the cloud UI. The token and bucket values that were previously chosen when creating a bucket on InfluxDB Cloud. These can also be found by going to Load Data -> Telegraf
and clicking the purple InfluxDB Output Plugin
. This will assume the token is set using an $INFLUX_TOKEN
environment variable.
That should be the last of the needed configuration for the Raspberry Pi. A reboot will start telegraf running on the Pi with the new configuration settings.
Monitoring the Results
We can now return to the Data Explorer
in InfluxDB Cloud and we will now be able to select data from thermometer
. We will need to select one type of filter for the data to be displayed. I used the temperature field but it’s worth trying different options until the graph represents what you like. Finally, clicking the submit button will update the graph to show the logged metrics.
I now have a much more convenient way of keeping an eye on my dad’s house while he is away. Time to compare it with his idea and see which thermometer is more accurate. Something tells me that his window thermometer might be a little on the cold side.