
Running Dex With Docker Compose

I previously wrote on how to run Dex using docker. In this article, I will create nearly the same setup using docker-compose. This will allow you to run, stop, and restart the setup from a central location. Setting up the docker-compose file You’ll want to make sure that you have the same Dex config file from the previous article but with one small change. The issuer field should be changed to http://dex:5556/dex to match the service name that will be used in the docker-compose file.

Running Dex with Docker

Dex is a tool created to make setting up and managing authentication methods easy. It is a single sign-on and identity management tool that can be used to authenticate users against a variety of backends. It is a great tool to use when you want to add authentication to your application without having to worry about managing the users yourself but still gives you the option if you want to. This post will show you how to run Dex locally to decide if it is the right tool for you.

Setting Up archer t6e on ubuntu server

Installing the driver 1 sudo apt install broadcom-sta-dkms Configuring the connection Open /etc/netplan/00-installer-config-wifi.yaml and make sure it has something like the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # This is the network config written by 'subiquity' network: version: 2 wifis: wlp6s0: # The network found with `ls /sys/class/net` access-points: {SSID}: # SSID password: {Password} # Password dhcp4: true Close the file and run sudo netplan apply

Setting up a proxy with NGINX

What is a proxy? In its simplest form, a proxy is a server that listens for requests and redirects them to other servers. This allows multiple servers to run on the same system but still receive their requests, such as the case with many large hosting servers today. Requests are redirected depending on how they were made to the machine such as the URL that was used. Proxies can also provide other benefits such as distributing traffic among multiple instances of the same web server, formatting the requests such as adding additional headers, filtering requests, or adding an additional security layer.

System monitoring with the TICK stack

Time series database A time series database is a type of database that is optimized for storing data based on time stamped data. This method of storing data is useful in situations where values need to be monitored for change over time. While any database could be used to store this information, time series databases are time stamp aware which leading to improved organization and query speeds. Time series databases have come up more in recent times due to the increase in the number of internet connected devices.

Creating a local DNS with CoreDNS

What is a Domain Name System? A Domain Name System (DNS) acts like the the phone book of the internet. When we enter a URL in our browser, it sends the URL to a DNS server to look up the actual IP address. Many times a DNS server will not know the IP address of the URL and it will have to forward it on to additional DNS servers. The next server to ask is determined by reading the URL from right to left.