
Creating a Hugo website

When my sister first asked me for help with her website, I didn’t have much to say. I was going to school for embedded engineering and web development was a completely different beast. I looked through her server at the code but I could tell most of it was generated using tools in which I hadn’t used anything remotely similar. I wasn’t much able to help much but I got an idea of the issue she was running into with her site: speed, nonresponsive, and expensive.


A web app I’ve been working on to create a new way to decide where to eat with friends. It’s kind of like tinder but for food. What is it? Yumz is an idea I had to make it easier to decide where to eat with friends. How often have you been with friends, throwing out restaurant ideas, only to have them shot down by one person or another. Yumz is here to fix that.

HMI Sensor Network

Measure and report environment data using XBEE nodes and a browser based graphical user interface. The nodes This project was my senior design project for my last year of school at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. My partner and I created shield boards for XBEE wireless modules. These shields made it easy to attach sensors for temperature, lighting, and humidity along with an indicator LED. The XBEE network used a self healing mesh network which made it easy to add new nodes or compensate for a missing node.

Pose Estimation

Given a set of objects, find a random object within the set and the angle it is facing. The final project of my computer vision class. We were given images for a set of objects. Each object was rotated 360 degrees and had its photo taken every 3 degrees. Our task was to write a program in Matlab that could be trained with the images and then be given a random image and determine what object and the direction it was facing.

Image Stitching

Most cameras and cell phones today have the ability to combine multiple images or create on panoramic view. To be able to stitch images together, they must be transformed into the same frame. This is done by finding the same points in each image and creating a homography matrix to relate the points from one image to the other. Once the homography matrix is found, it can be used to morph one image into the same frame as the other and then combine the images.